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Delta 8 for Rest and Relaxation

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At Qulture, we talk to many people experiencing significant insomnia.

There’s almost nothing worse than missing sleep. Our bodies use sleep to build, repair, and restore their health. Good sleep improves your mood, boosts your immune system, builds muscle fibers, and regenerates your cells.

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At Qulture, we talk to many people experiencing significant insomnia. There’s almost nothing worse than missing sleep. Our bodies use sleep to build, repair, and restore their health. Good sleep improves your mood, boosts your immune system, builds muscle fibers, and regenerates your cells.

Not being able to sleep can leave you frustrated, exhausted, and unhealthy. It can be maddening, and it can lead to other chronic health problems. People who miss out on sleep for long periods of time can experience weight gain, loss of memory, increase in blood pressure, and just about every other bad thing you can imagine. Insomnia can wreck your life.

The good news is, there is a solution that can help. And, since you’re on Qulture, you might not be surprised to learn that it’s a type of CBD.

Delta 8 is the name, and improving your sleep cycle is its game. Delta 8 is powerful and effective. Most people who try delta 8 for sleep are pleasantly surprised. As Harvard notes, “CBD is commonly used to address anxiety, and for patients who suffer through the misery of insomnia, studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep.”

Delta 8 THC affects your endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system regulates many vital functions in your body, including your sleep-wake cycles.

Your endocannabinoid system includes receptors throughout your central and peripheral nervous system. One of these receptors is referred to as the CB1 receptor. Activating this receptor can induce sleep. Delta-8 binds to the CB1 receptor, thus activating the sleep cycle.

Individuals who have used delta-8 THC report that they fall asleep more easily, sleep longer, and wake up more refreshed.

How can you get started with Delta 8? It’s easy. Qulture sells responsibly sourced and third party tested Delta-8 gummies and sleep tinctures. You can start out with a simple dose at bedtime:


Condition Starting Dose Average Time to Relief
Anxiety / Sleep 20-50mg at bedtime Two Hours


We recommend beginning with a lower dose and gradually working your way up to a higher one. Please note.  Delta 8 products will get you high.  Do not drive or operate heavy machinery.  The effects can come on quickly and strongly.  We recommend taking them right before you go to bed.  If you have any questions, please let us know! And if you’re ready to try them, we’d love to give you a 20% off discount. Just use the code: LOVEDELTA.

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